Loss Mitigation Attorney Services

We treat all Borrowers and their attorneys with courtesy and respect and work closely with our Servicers’ Loss Mitigation teams to expedite resolutions. 

We provide solicitation letters, offering possible workouts and providing a designated contact.

We reduce the number of adjournments of NY’s Mandatory Settlement Conferences to a minimum by utilizing a proactive approach:

  • We make sure Borrowers understand all of their options
  • We contact Borrowers or their attorneys prior to each conference to ensure they bring all information and documents required for Loan Modifications or Forbearance Agreements
  • We follow up with realtors handling Short Sales

We avoid New York’s “Merger” doctrine when drafting Deeds in Lieu of Foreclosure.

We can help you to resolve foreclosures via Loan Modifications, Forbearance Agreements, Deeds-in-Lieu or Short Sales; and we can help you to avoid sanctions when you can’t! Contact us today to learn more.