Foreclosure FAQs
Q: Can you provide information about the property?
A: No. All properties are sold pursuant to the Judgment of Foreclosure on file in the County Clerk’s office. Our office can’t provide any information about the property.
Q: Can I see the property before I bid?
A: No. We can not grant access to the property as the homeowner is still in possession.
Q: Can the Court appointed Referee provide any information about the property?
A: No. The Referee is appointed by the Court to sell the property pursuant to the Judgment of Foreclosure and can’t provide any information or make any representations about the property.
Q: Are you affiliated with any foreclosure listing service or website?
A: No.
Q: Can I buy the property from the bank prior to the foreclosure sale?
A: No. During the foreclosure proceeding the bank does not own the property. Title remains with the homeowner until after the foreclosure sale.
Q: Can I make an offer to buy the Note and Mortgage from the bank?
A: As a general rule our clients do not sell their mortgages. If you wish to make an offer, please send us a written offer and we will forward it to our client.
Q: Do you have a list of properties you are foreclosing on?
A: A list of the current weeks sales will be listed on this website, on the Foreclosure Sales page. No other list is available. Foreclosure sales are also published in a local newspaper of the Courts choosing prior to the sale. Q: What information can you tell us about the public auction itself? A: If you are the successful bidder you will be required to deposit 10% of your bid in cash or certified funds with the Referee. The property is sold “as is”. The property is not sold subject to an inspection or financing. If you are the successful bidder you will be required to close within 30 days of the sale. You will be taking the property subject to the rights of any tenants or occupants and you will be responsible for any eviction required. If you are the successful bidder you will be required to sign a copy of the “Terms of Sale” in which you agree to all terms therein. If you default and are unable to close you may forfeit your bid deposit and be liable for any deficiency.
Q: Where are the sales held?
A: Foreclosure sales are normally held either at the County Supreme Court or at the Town Hall depending on which County the property is located in. The place of the sale is designated by the Judgment of Foreclosure.
Q: Are foreclosure sales cancelled often?
A: Foreclosure sales are frequently cancelled prior to the actual auction. Bankruptcies and Forbearance Agreements between the borrower and the bank are very common. Please refer to this website which is frequently updated with any cancellations.
Q: Do you tell people what the bank’s bid will be?
A: No, we do not provide this information.
Q: If nobody bids at the sale, can I buy the property from the bank then?
A: If nobody bids at the sale then the property is sold to the bank. On the website of many banks there is a link sometimes referred to as REO (Real Estate Owned). Banks also employ local brokers to sell these properties for them. We do not have a listing of the brokers or of any properties the bank is trying to sell.